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Selectmen Minutes 06/05/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 5, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Chairman Colbert was excused due to a work commitment.

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:02pm.  

SUBJECT: Junkyard Application  
PRESENT: Mr. Edward O’Brien  

Mr. O’Brien met with the Board seeking renewal of his Automotive Recycling Dealer License.  As a result of a change in the law this year, Selectman MacCleery attended a workshop on Junkyard Licensing and brought to the attention of the Board of Selectmen, that the process for approval has not been followed on the town level in the past. All applications must now be accompanied by a Certificate of Compliance.  Further, the junkyard should have received a Certificate of Location from the Board of Adjustment when first granted approval to operate.   The Town has no record of a Certificate of Location being granted for this property.

Mr. O’Brien was given an application for the Board of Adjustment and a Compliance Certificate form.  The final step requires a public hearing by the Board of Selectmen upon receipt of a complete application from Mr. O’Brien.   

SUBJECT: Budget Committee Position
PRESENT: Scott Marston

Mr. Marston met with the Selectmen to discuss his interest in joining the Budget Committee.  Mr. Marston has attended School and Town Meeting in the past and would like to get involved in the community.  The budgeting process overview was explained and the schedule of meetings was discussed.  Mr. Martson gave the Board some personal history and asked the reason for the vacancy.  The Board has increased the membership in an effort to have more diverse participation.  No decision was made this evening as the Chairman was not present.  


Selectman DeBold has contacted NHDES inquiring the status of the Letter of Determination regarding the removal of the beaver dam on Marsh Pond last October.  He was told the letter is still hung up in the legal department of Environmental Services.  

Selectman DeBold, Road Agent David Kenneally and the Town Administrator met with the engineer from CLD regarding the oversight requested for the Center Road reconstruction project.  Points agreed on were 18 inches of structural material overall with pavement on top, one COM span instead of three and payment to CLD will be made

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BOS minutes
June 6, 2007

through the warrant article funding.  The document was not signed at this time to allow for any additional requirements that may come from the Wetlands Bureau or Site Specific Bureau at the State level.  

Mr. Paul Adams stopped in inquiring as to the correct agenda for Thursday night’s Planning Board meting.  He noticed the agenda posted on the website has omitted the Giuda and Merrill agenda items. His concern was if those parties came to the meeting after all would they be allowed to speak.  Mr. Adams was advised to contact the Planning Board secretary and or attend the meeting to be sure his concerns were addressed.

Selectmen MacCleery shared a concern he received from a neighbor of the Levitina property on Horse Corner Road stating the dogs continue to bark all hours of the night.
Ms. Levitina is scheduled with the Planning Board for Thursday night for discussion of a Home Occupation.  

Selectman MacCleery inquired as to whether the new bakery on Route 28 and L & K Truck Body on Dover Road have met all the conditions for approval from the Planning Board.  After searching the planning files, the bakery appears to have met conditions; the file for L&K was incomplete.  The Administrator will send a memo to the Planning Board asking for a status report.  The Selectmen discussed the recommendation to work with the building inspector in conjunction with the Planning Board to establish a Certificate of Operation for commercial operations and include this step in the Notice of Decision granted by the Planning Board so that the applicant knows all conditions must be met prior to opening for business.  

The Selectmen are reviewing the current Personnel Policies along with sample policies from area communities.  The Board has recognized the need to revise and update the town’s personnel policies this year with an emphasis on establishing a disciplinary process and inclusion of all stipend and on-call personnel in the policies in some capacity. Further review of the material is needed at this time.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.  Mail and correspondence was reviewed and discussed.   

The Board approved the minutes of May 29, 2007 as written.  Being no further business, Selectman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:47PM.
                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery